STRANDED DEBTS: To assume and administer the stranded debts and non-core assets of PHCN pursuant to the provisions of EPSR Act 2005. 

NON-CORE ASSETS: To hold the non-core assets of PHCN, sell or dispose of or deal in any manner for the purpose of financing the payment of debts or other related matters.

PENSION: To assume and manage pension liabilities of employees of PHCN. Now Transferred to PTAD. 

PPA DEBTS: To take over the settlement of PHCN’s Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) debts obligations, legacy debts and any other liabilities as may be determined by the National Council on Privatisation within NESI from time to time.

ATTAINING GOALS: To do all such other things as are incidental or may be thought conducive to the attainment of the above objectives or any of them. 

SELLING ASSETS: To sell, let, mortgage, dispose of, deal in any of the property or non-core assets of the company as may be expedient with a view to promoting its objects.

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